Kickstarter Projects We ❤

In conjunction with Rhizome's brand new curated page on Kickstarter, we will start featuring select projects from the site on the blog. If you would like to let us know about your fundraising efforts on Kickstarter, shoot us an email at editor(at)

► The Nature of Code Book Project by Daniel Shiffman

Daniel Shiffman is raising funds for the publication of his book, The Nature of Code. Description below:

Can we capture the unpredictable evolutionary and emergent properties of nature in software? Can understanding the mathematical principles behind our physical world world help us to create digital worlds? This book will focus on the programming strategies and techniques behind computer simulations of natural systems. We’ll explore topics ranging from basic mathematics and physics concepts to more advanced simulations of complex systems. Subjects covered will include forces, trigonometry, fractals, cellular automata, self-organization, and genetic algorithms. Examples will be demonstrated using Processing with a focus on object oriented programming.

► Written Image by Martin Fuchs

Created in collaboration with more than 70 media artists and developers from across the world, Written Images is the first of its kind. A 'programmed book', continuously regenerated for the digital printing process, offering each reader a unique experience.

We first announced our project in February 2010. Since then, more than 70 image generating software programs were submitted. A jury singled out the 42 most creative and successful submissions to be included in the book.

With your support we hope to produce the first edition of this unique book and also introduce the "Written Images" print-on-demand service.

► Reference Art Gallery by Conor Backman

Reference Art Gallery is an independent artist run art and music space in downtown Richmond, VA, founded by four VCU undergraduate BFA students in the summer of 2009. We have launched a KICKSTARTER in hopes to raise much-needed funds that will keep our project sustainable throughout the upcoming year.

Our gallery focuses on exhibiting a diverse range of emerging artists from cities across the U.S.A. and abroad, as well as promoting artists from Richmond. Although many galleries are established as a commercial venture, our attitude is more in line with that of a non-profit organization. We believe that this attitude is most representative of our mission because the artwork that we display is based on what we are excited to show, rather than what we believe will be most marketable and profitable.

► SHAKEDOWN - a feature length documentary film by Leilah Weinraub

SHAKEDOWN is the story of a black lesbian strip club in Los Angeles. The film is anchored in the stories of three women: Ronnie Ron, the creator and emcee of Shakedown, a large butch/stud lesbian and former Jehovah's Witness; Egypt, a single mother, beauty pageant fanatic, and dedicated self - (re)inventor; and Jazmyne, the complicated and sometimes conflicted "Queen" of Shakedown. We go through the process of their labor with them and record what they do, and how they feel about what they are doing.

From a meta-perspective, queer cultural production remains at the fringes of society today. It is largely undocumented, and therefore communities and art forms continuously disappear as stories are forgotten. SHAKEDOWN, is an entirely self-funded project. We need your help to complete the edit of the film, master the sound and score, color correct the images, fly to LA to shoot our final interviews with the dancers and have an amazing premiere in cities across America.

► Collective Show Los Angeles

Collective Show is pleased to present “Collective Show Los Angeles 2011,” an artist-organized exhibition of contemporary art groups recently established in Los Angeles. This collaboratively curated “group show of group shows” features artist-run spaces and projects formed in the past five years.

Previously realized in New York in 2009 and 2010, Collective Show exhibits local art groups that work in a growing space between established non-profit organizations and commercial galleries. These groups explore a wide range of collaborative approaches and missions, often in flexible and adaptive conditions with an emphasis on communities and conversations.

Over 30 groups will exhibit artwork, publications and posters during the show at a newly renovated space in Chinatown. In addition, screenings, performances and talks will take place during the exhibition. A catalogue will accompany the exhibition and will be available at