"Free" Events This Month
Lisa Oppenheim, The Sun Is Always Setting Somewhere Else, 2006

The "Free" exhibition is up and running, and I'd like to point you to some events organized in conjunction with the exhibition this week and later this month, so you can add them to your calendar. Be sure to the dedicated Free site for more information about the show, events, a blog, and more.

“Free” as in Freedom and “Free” as in Free Beer: Lecture and Walk with Artist Steve Lambert
Saturday November 6, 3pm
Free to New Museum Members, $8 General Public

Artist Steve Lambert will discuss the various definitions of “Free,” from human liberation, the law, freedom of movement, to economics. Tying together hippies, punk rock, Franklin Roosevelt, and the Free Software movement, the program will begin with a short lecture, followed by a short walking tour through the galleries and into the streets to see how these ideas apply in the real world.

DIS Magazine Presents: Elastic Youth: Interpreting the Scrunchie
Sunday November 14th, 2010, 3 PM
Free to New Museum Members, $8 General Public

For the first in a series of lectures organized by the online fashion magazine DIS, Elastic Youth: Interpreting the Scrunchie, David Riley offers an in-depth analysis of the controversial hair accessory. Drawing on patent documents, fashion, and pop culture, he traces its history from mass marketed phenomenon to object of derision among the fashion elite. David Riley is an artist and musician living in NYC, known for his involvement with the band Mirror Mirror and the collaborative group The Society for the Advancement of Inflammatory Consciousness. He has exhibited and/or performed at The Kitchen, Momenta, John Connelly Presents, Klaus von Nichtssagend, Andrew Edlin, Audio Visual Arts (AVA) and Index Art Center, as well as venues around the USA and Europe.

Collaborators of Lizzie Fitch, a featured artist in Free, DIS Magazine are a fashion, art and commerce publication that seeks to expand creative economies. Beyond reporting the popular surfaces of culture, DIS materializes and projects contemporary identity poetics and politics. DIS is currently available in digital form at dismagazine.com. DIS is, collectively: Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, S. Adrian Massey III, Marco Roso, Patrik Sandberg, Nicholas Scholl, and David Toro.

New Style Curators
November 18th, 2010, 7 PM
Free to New Museum Members, $8 General Public

Last year, the New York Times proclaimed, “The Word ‘Curate’ No Longer Belongs to the Museum Crowd.” This panel takes a look at “curation” online and how the word applies to social media and Internet use. New media companies sometimes hire “curators” to filter the web for specialized information and data. But missing from this analogy is the importance of context and preservation. Are we all curators of the web? How are sites like Tumblr and Delicious contributing to this trend? Does the Internet even need curation? What can social media learn from the art world? More importantly, with everyone busy curating, who is making the original content online? Organized by Joanne McNeil.