Call for Proposals
V16: Lo-tech and V17: Hi-tech Issues of ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art

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ASPECT, a DVD publication dedicated to new media art, is currently seeking work for their next two issues, one on "lo-tech" (v. 16) and the other on "hi-tech" (v. 17). More on this from the original call below:

Artists have historically co-opted emerging technology, adapting and expanding complex developments to suit their own goals. Conversely, there is nostalgia for obsolete technology. We seek work that exploits antiquated or sophisticated technology, either as an aesthetic or technical choice. We will review installation, video, performance, sound, and any other work best documented in time-based format.

The deadline for the "lo-tech" issue is May 1, 2010 and the deadline for the "hi-tech" issue is August 1, 2010. For more information about the application process, visit the call for proposals here.