Call for Proposals
free103point9 AIRtime Fellowship Opportunities 2010/2011

free103point9, a nonprofit arts organization in Upstate New York supporting transmission arts, is offering fellowships through their AIRtime program for the 2010/2011 year. The deadline is July 15, 2010. Details below.The AIRtime program provides artists with valuable assistance with which to concentrate on new transmission works and conduct research about the genre using free103point9′s resource library and equipment holdings. Fellows present their work in conjunction with WGXC: Hands-on Radio, a FM radio station and media project in Greene and Columbia counties, upstate New York. Fellows receive an honorarium of $1,000, and technical and administrative support from free103point9 staff. Participating artists are encouraged to archive recordings and other digital media with the free103point9 Transmission Art Archive project.

free103point9 defines “Transmission Arts” as a conceptual umbrella that unites a community of artists and audiences interested in transmission ideas and tools. The genre is informed by an intentional use of space—often the airwaves. Transmission Art manifests in participatory live art or time-based art including radio, video, light, installation, and performance.