Two Rhizome Events This Week!

We hope that you can join us for two Rhizome-sponsored events at the New Museum tonight and tomorrow. Details below.

Rhizome Commissions 2010

Each year, Rhizome awards grants to eleven emerging artists for the creation of original works of new media art. Established in 2001, the Rhizome Commissions Program has awarded sixty-four grants throughout its history to projects that have gone on to have a great impact in the field of contemporary art. At this event, select artists from the most recent commissioning round will present and discuss their works in progress.

Participating artists: Maria Carmen del Montoya and Kevin Patton, Kristin Lucas, Joe McKay and Angelo Plessas

Thursday January 14th, 7pm
at the New Museum, New York, NY
$6 Members/ $8 General Public

Cinema Fury: A New Performance by Caden Manson / Big Art Group

Rhizome presents Cinema Fury, an action-media performance created by Caden Manson / Big Art Group. Organized by Nick Hallett, Cinema Fury will be an immersive installation and a participatory performance that is designed to bring the audience into the action.

In Cinema Fury, Big Art Group will explore the idea of corruption in the information age, and the chaotic possibilities that arise through errors, glitches, and interruptions within digital transmissions. By reinterpreting models of data transmission and decomposition as performance strategies, Cinema Fury opens new interpretive pathways to understanding the process of contemporary “media-ization.” Concepts of transmogrification, both of the folkloric and post-digital varieties, recur throughout. Big Art Group will draw on material from two upcoming major productions: Flesh Tone (2010) and No Show (2011).

Friday January 15th, 7pm
at the New Museum, New York, NY
$10 Members/ $12 General Public