Call for Proposals
Broadening the Digital Humanities: The Vectors-IML/UC-HRI Summer Institute on Multimodal Scholarship.


The electronic journal Vectors are offering 15 fellowships to a four-week residency from July 19-August 12, 2010 at USC's Institute for Multimedia Literacy, where fellows will develop scholarly multimedia projects in early-to-mid stages of development. They are especially interested in collaborating with scholars working with video, or with photography, sound, or other graphic elements. Projects are not necessarily meant to be about new media, rather they are seeking innovative modes of multimedia scholarship across the humanities, from a variety of disciplines, periods and methodologies. Fellows will be provided a stipend, as well as travel and accommodation expenses. The deadline is March 24, 2010. For a short description about the fellowship, see the below. Full information, visit the original call, here.

The University of California’s Humanities Research Institute, USC’s Institute for Multimedia Literacy and the electronic journal Vectors are pleased to announce a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Program for summer 2010 designed to foster innovative multimedia research. Titled “Broadening the Digital Humanities,” the Institute will offer scholars the opportunity to explore the benefits of interactive media for scholarly analysis and authorship, illustrating the possibilities of multimodal media for humanities investigation. Fellows participating in the program will learn both by engaging with a variety of existing projects as well as through the production of their own draft projects in collaboration with the Vectors-IML/UC-HRI team. The projects that fellows create will at once enrich their understandings of the digital humanities and model the field for other scholars. Select projects will be published in Vectors, while the Vectors team will also assist some fellows with applications for further funding for the projects begun during the institute.

First launched in 2005 at USC’s IML, Vectors is an international electronic journal dedicated to expanding the potentials of academic publication via emergent and transitional media. Moving well beyond the text-with-pictures format of much electronic scholarly publishing, Vectors brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge designers and technologists to propose a thorough rethinking of the dynamic relationship of form and content in academic research. Founded in 1998, the Institute for Multimedia Literacy conducts research on the changing nature of literacy and scholarship in a networked world. The UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) is a multi-campus research program of the University of California, serving all ten campuses in the UC system. Headquartered at the UC Irvine campus, the Institute promotes collaborative work representing different fields and institutions both within and beyond UC and is a major grantee of the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Initiative.