Tristan Perich's 1-Bit Symphony Release Party Tonight

Rhizome-commissioned artist Tristan Perich celebrates the release of his 1-Bit Symphony on Cantaloupe tonight at Roulette with a special concert at 7pm. Daniel Wohl's "Glitch," Shawn Greenlee, Michael Gordon's "XY" and Steven Reich's "Violin Phase" are also scheduled. A "circuit album," 1-Bit Symphony performs a composition in five movements which have all been programmed onto a single microchip. Perich talks about the process in the clip above, and provides a sample of the work. I-Bit Symphony is an continuation of Perich's interest in 1-bit electronics, realized in previous projects such as in 1-Bit Video (2006-Ongoing) and his other circuit album 1-Bit Music (2004-2005).

We did a "1-Bit" interview with Perich on the occasion of his exhibition at bitforms gallery last Fall, check that out here.