Call for Applications
IRCAM Musical Research Residency


IRCAM in Paris is seeking applicants for their 2011 cycle. Read more about the opportunity below or visit the original call here. Deadline is September 30th, 2010.

Via the music research residency program, the Department for the Coordination of Scientific and Musical Research seeks to reinforce the interaction between the scientific and musical community by appealing to the computer music community at large. This program offers scholarships to artists and young professionals wishing to take advantage of a period of residency at IRCAM in order to pursue their music research projects in a stimulating collaborative environment.

Each year - via online submission - a limited number of candidates is selected by a panel of international experts based on the following criteria: project content; scientific and artistic motivation; quality and innovative character of the project; mastery of the technologies needed for the project; demonstrated ability to manage a collaborative research project.

Each selected candidate will benefit from a residency at IRCAM for a specific period, associated with one or more of the institute’s project teams. The candidate will receive a scholarship of 1200 euros. IRCAM does not cover travel and lodging expenses.

During the research residency, candidates will work in the context of the Research and Development department in order to pursue their work. They will collaborate with members of one or more teams thus enabling them to deepen the musical and technological issues explored through experimentation as well as participate in the intellectual life of the institute.

At the end of their stay, the selected candidates will be asked to document and share the results of their work via written publications and public presentations given to the IRCAM community as well as the international computer music community at large.