Call for Papers and Proposals
ISEA2011 Istanbul

ISEA2011 Istanbul just announced the call for their conference next year. See below for more information, to apply visit the original call here. Deadline is December 1, 2010.

We invite proposals for panels, artworks, papers and workshops form artists, scientist and academics interested in how the digital and electronic media are re-shaping contemporary society and behaviors. ISEA2011 Istanbul will be open to proposals encompassing a large range of topics under the general theme of interdisciplinarity at the intersection of Art, Science and Technology. It is our intention to appeal to the hard sciences and the humanities as well as the art community.

For this reason ISEA2011 Istanbul will host a large variety of thematic strands ranging from digital art to curatorial studies, from electronic media to digital architecture, from the intersection of art, science and technology to the concept of the digital city, from digital humanities to social media, from nanotechnology and art to urban ecologies, from transculturalism to mobile art, and more.

The ISEA2011 Istanbul exhibition will coincide with the Istanbul Biennial and will provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase contemporary new media arts.

Via Networked_Performance