Call for Applications
Issue Project Room's Emerging Artist Commissions/New Works 2011

Issue Project Room, Brooklyn's arts event/performance venue, is currently seeking applications for their Emerging Artist Commissions/New Works program, which will allow eight artists to create work for IPR's space. Short blurb from the original call below, deadline is May 1, 2010.

ISSUE's Emerging Artist Commissions/New Works program will commission eight emerging artists in 2011 to create a new work that will be presented at ISSUE Project Room's current 1500 sq. ft. performance space at 232 3rd Street between the dates of January 1st and December 31st 2011. The recipients of the commission will receive a $1,000 stipend, have access to the ISSUE Project Room’s facilities, and have the opportunity to work with Stephan Moore on our unique multi-channel speaker system.