A Helping Hand from The People at 50K

To all those who want to participate in The Rhizome 50,000 Webpage but need a little help with graphic tweaking, we've got a new service for you! Because we don't want an unfamiliarity with or dislike of Photoshop or other image programs to deter you from contributing to this special website, we are offering to produce your image for you in-house free of charge. That's right: Send your idea, or an image and the URL you want to promote to 50k@rhizome.org and our staff can format it into the size and corresponding pixel price you desire.

As the online component of Rhizome's spring fundraising drive, this Webpage will provide important funds to the organization during tough times. Already, artists, non-profits, galleries, businesses, entrepreneurial bloggers, hopeless romantics and pranksters have made their mark on what is becoming a colorful representation of the community we support. We hope you'll get involved today!
