webzen (2009) - Carlos Katastrofsky

A Koan: “All things can be traced back to the One, to what, however, can the One be traced back?” - “Untitled Document” is written on top of the browser window. No name, no content, no design: a webpage as simple as it can be. Still the work webzen (2009) demands outmost concentration. Clicking from one page to the next, the neverending quest for links is leading further, the skimming through pieces of information and the scanning of texts and pictures is interrupted - which is irritating. webzen is an attempt to abandon representational thinking, to understand life as utterly art of absent-mindedness and to experience the reality beyond duality and logic and beyond space and time. webzen has only one assignment: the single-serving site wants to overcome itself by means of meditating on the basic formulas of sourcecode: ‹html›, ‹head›, ‹title›, ‹body›, system, spirit, concept, body. But overcoming would only have been possible if the site would have never existed. - another Koan: “All things can be traced back to the code, to what, however, can the code be traced back?”