Get Your Giggle On


The popularity of the English expression "no laughing matter" might imply that funny things aren't serious and serious things aren't funny. But the organizers of ROFLCon would seriously beg to differ. Put together by a Boston-area brain trust, the conference series explores the history, tactics, and social relevance of internet memes. This weekend in NYC they will present the second iteration of ROFLCon, after a very successful convention at MIT, last year. That version featured classroom panels and backroom parties featuring such internet-famous folks as xkcd, Jay Maynard (a.k.a. The Tron Guy), and Leslie Hall. Saturday's events will still keep you rolling on the floor laughing, while arguably stepping-up the critical discussion. Speakers include the creators of You Suck at Photoshop, Improv Everywhere, Rocketboom, 4Chan, MAKE, YTMND, and all-around internet celebs Bre Pettis and The Obama Girl. While participants like nerdcore DJ MC Frontalot and Ian Spector, creator of the Chuck Norris Fact Generator, are sure to keep the chuckle factor high, there are serious discussions to be had on such topics as Firefox browser plug-ins as artistic media and the cultural impact of the Comic Sans font. No doubt the audience will also offer a star sighting or two. So bone-up on your meme history and get your ROFL on. - Marisa Olson

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