Rhizome 50K Update

With a couple weeks under our belt, we’re kicking the Rhizome 50,000 Dollar Webpage into high gear. We’ve already raised $4000, but have a long way to go to fill up the page for it’s unveiling at our annual benefit on May 28th at the New Museum.

We’ve been discovering a lot of great stuff via the links that people have been submitting. In fact, starting later this week, we’re going to start highlighting some of the best stuff we’ve found via the 50k site on the Rhizome homepage. We’re also going to start integrating the pixel buys into our delicious feed - more on that later…

So, if you haven’t bought pixels yet - go buy some! They’re a great way to support Rhizome, show you’re a part of the community and promote your project. Plus, they’re cheap! If you’ve been meaning to buy some, there’s no better time than now - you get to pick up the best real estate, maximize your time on the page and keep the momentum rolling. Want to participate but don’t know how to find, create or resize your image? No problem, we can help. Just drop us a line at 50k@rhizome.org.

So, to buy some pixels, find out more info or discover some cool people, projects and websites, visit us at http://www.rhizome.org/50k/.