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  • White House Redux at Storefront for Art and Architecture- Exhibition of results from the Storefront for Art and Architecture's "White House Redux" competition opens on Thursday. Earlier this year, the New York-based non profit put out a call for ideas and designs in response to the question, "What if the White House, the ultimate architectural symbol of political power, were to be designed today?"

  • Finishing School's "Executive Order Karaoke" at MOCA's Engagement Party- Also on Thursday, the collective Finishing School will stage "Executive Order Karaoke" as part of MOCA's ongoing series Engagement Party. "Featuring special guest host Tammy Tomahawk, Executive Order Karaoke is a public action in which participants are invited to sing their favorite mixes of George W. Bush's executive orders to popular music. Finishing School will award a cash prize for the best act."

  • Richard Dupont on NewArtTV- Studio visit with Richard Dupont on NewArtTV, "New York artist Richard Dupont believes that the processing of information in the digital age can affect the way we view the physical world. Informed by that idea, Dupont uses 3D computer scans of his own body to add a new dimension to figurative sculpture."