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  • Digimag 37 September 2008- September issue of online Italian digital culture and electronic arts magazine Digimag is now available in English. There's a lot in this issue- reports from ISEA 2008 and "Machines & Souls" at Reina Sofia, lengthy interviews with Juliene Maire, Geoff Cox, Maurizio Bolognini, Bruce McClure, and much more.

  • Cape Farewell- "Cape Farewell pioneers the cultural response to climate change. Working internationally, we bring artists, scientists and communicators together to stimulate the production of art founded in scientific research. Using creativity to innovate, we engage artists for their ability to evolve and amplify a creative language, communicating on a human scale the urgency of the global climate challenge. Cape Farewell is widely acknowledged to be the most significant sustained artistic response to climate change anywhere in the world."

  • joanne richardson talk on d media- On October 6th, mikrogalleriet in Copenhagen will host a talk by activist and artist Joanne Richardson on her involvement with the Romanian activist and digital culture organization d media.