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  • CUREDITING--TRANSLATIONAL ONLINE WORK- "Curating: The Translational Online Work," an online publication by Vague Terrain and CONT3XT.NET, went live today. "...the goal of the present project by CONT3XT.NET--kindly hosted by the online journal Vague Terrain--is to access what can be understood as translational work within the context of Internet-based Art. There is also a desire to create a 'screenshot' of actual tendencies within curatorial and editorial models: artistic creation and the processes of its re-formulation within different presentational contexts are brought together under the label CUREDITING, a hybrid between the two concepts of 'curating' and 'editing'." Contributors include: Joasia Krysa, Laboratorio 060 (Lourdes Morales, Javier Toscano, Daniela Wolf), Annette Finnsdottir, Eva Moraga, CRUMB (Beryl Graham and Verina Gfader), Greg. J. Smith & Neil Wiernik, Ela Kagel & Ursula Endlicher, Michelle Kasprzak, Furtherfield (Marc Garrett, Ruth Catlow), Geoff Cox, (Joan Heemskerk, Dirk Paesmans), Domenico Quaranta

  • Arctic Hysteria Onscreen- A film program, produced in conjunction with the PS1 exhibition of contemporary Finnish art "Arctic Hysteria," screens tonight at MoMA. Divided into three subsections -- Power/I/Other, Boundaries/Political Spaces, Fear/Public Spaces -- the evening will present key works of Finnish experimental film and video art from the mid-1990s to today.

  • Stefana McClure, "The Beat That My Heart Skipped" at Josée Bienvenu Gallery- Solo exhibition by Stefana McClure opens this Thursday at Josée Bienvenu Gallery in New York. "Distillation of time, obliteration and reconstruction of information, characterize Stefana McClure's drawings and sculptures. The works in the exhibition negotiate film and music, text and image: translating, transposing and decoding the synesthetic structure connecting them. The exhibition includes percussion drawings, colorblind drawings and musical movies on paper, along with a sculpture integrating iPod earphones."

  • GPS Film - Created by new media artist Scott Hessels, GPS Film is an open source application that runs on any GPS-enabled mobile phone or PDA. "Using a GPS-enabled PDA or mobile phone, artwork selects clips based on location. As the viewer travels, the movie is revealed. The result is a new type of film experience that is tied to the movement of the viewer."