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  • Rirkrit Tiravanija, Demonstration Drawings- New exhibition by Rirkrit Tiravanija opens this week at the Drawing Center:
    "For the Demonstration Drawings, Tiravanija has commissioned Thai artists, many of them former students, to create a series of photorealistic pencil drawings depicting multifarious responses to power, oppression, and global capital. Tiravanija's drawings translate photojournalist depictions of acts of political spontaneity into a medium itself characterized by immediacy--turning ephemeral images of strife and social conflict into documents of political aspiration."

  • TEMPORARY SERVICES - Finland- "Everything in Turku, Finland, as in most cities, is in its predictable and expected place. Bikes lean against walls, signs hang on stores, advertisements are pasted on poles, and every fixture has an obvious function. The public art is predictable too. It's made from durable materials; it looks like it has been around forever and will stay around forever....As a small but visible challenge to this tedious routine, the groups IC-98 (Turku) and Temporary Services (Chicago) have teamed up to build and circulate a series of 25 wooden sandwich board signs which carry phrases that advertise nothing and aren't always terribly positive. Many of the texts, written collaboratively by the two groups, point to our frustration with the monotony of city spaces and the high degree of political control that is exerted over them."

  • NADA VIDEO NIGHTS NYC, September 10, 2008- "In September we'll inaugurate a series of video nights in our new space on 22nd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. Each night will be programmed by a different guest curator. Popcorn and Grolsch beer will be served. You are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket. We'll have Astroturf on the floor to give a sense of that "out-of-doors" experience."

  • Interview with Daniel Canogar- From We Make Money Not Art. "Daniel Canogar is a media artist living between Spain and Canada. He's also the Artistic Director of VIDA, an international competition on art & artificial life. Launched 10 years ago by Fundación Telefónica, the prize rewards works of art produced with and commenting on artificial life technologies."