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  • Urban computing, locative media and everyday life in the future city- Anne Galloway from Space & Culture posted her recently completed PhD dissertation (as a pdf) on urban computing. "An analysis of the Mobile Bristol, Passing Glances, Sonic City and Urban Tapestries research and design projects draws out the idea that everyday life in the future city is expected to become more expressive, engaging and meaningful. The increased extensibility and transmissibility of the city itself, along with an increased ability to be socially embedded within it, is seen to be a fundamental promise inherent in these projects. The dissertation argues that such spatial and cultural potentialities can be productively understood as involving temporary, selective and mobile publics, where creative and playful interactions emerge as primary means of social innovation..."

  • FILE Sao Paulo 2008- Giles Askham reviews the festival FILE for Furtherfield.

  • The Digital Dragon: Synthetic Times in Beijing- Régine Debatty takes stock of the current (and future) media art scene in China for ArtReview.

  • halter.ed - Experimental Cinema Resources -Links to research materials on experimental cinema collected by Rhizome Staff Writer Ed Halter.