What are you doing on November 4th?

Image: Guillaume Paris, Go Away Evil, 2001 (color photograph, frame)

This Halloween, there are scarier things on the horizon than ghosts and goblins, as the recent New Yorker cover acknowledges, so we thought we'd sum up some of the Election Night events occurring around New York City next Tuesday to get you thinking ahead.

Location: Storefront for Art and Architecture Event: Election Night Special - Sleepover at Storefront
To mark the closing of the White House Redux exhibition, Storefront will hold an all-night election vigil in the gallery with live a large-screen CNN projection and special blog-reading stations. Everyone welcome!

Location: New Museum Event: Election Night Trivia at Salon Aleman
On Election Night 2008 the New Museum hosts an evening of tequila, trivia, and live-stream coverage of the exit polls. Artist Eduardo Sarabia's Salon Aleman project, including his sculpture Babylon Bar, and his limited-edition Tequila Sarabia will be imported to the Museum for a gathering of campaign camaraderie and fun-filled, trivia-distracted anticipation. You and your friends are invited to drink, commingle, and participate in the Campaign Stump! trivia game while awaiting the outcome of this historic Presidential election. Prizes will be awarded. Hosted by comedian Desiree Burch.

In an attempt to effect the election results "through sound" improv noise band Excepter will play at Monkeytown from 8am to Midnight (until the polls close on the West Coast). The performance will be webcast by Jon Williams aka WIZARDISHUNGRY. "Excepter plays until the New President walks this LAND; "VOTE EARLY; VOTE OFTEN; WE WILL PLAY ALL DAY"