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  • Paul Virilio Symposium October 24 & 25- City Lights and SFAI organize a symposium on Paul Virilio's work this weekend.

  • Universal Archive. The Condition of the Document and the Modern Photographic Utopia at MACBA- Exhibition opening this week at MACBA, "brings together almost 2,000 documents, notable among which are the nearly 1,000 vintage photographs and copies, dating from 1851 to the present time...Going beyond the presentation of a single, linear narration through the history of photography, the display offers an entire constellation of narratives on the genealogy of the document: the historic photographic missions, the reformist document, the workers' photography movement, exhibitions, advertising, projects based around ethnography and the documentation of cities, and so on."

  • Interface as Landscape- Greg J. Smith from Serial Consign discusses electronic writing and the work TEXTile by Jean Shin.