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  • La Superette 2008- Open call for this year's La Superette, deadline is November 11th. "La Superette is an annual event, an art sale held in early December to coincide with the holiday season. We organize a temporary store where artists sell functional art in multiples at affordable prices. In addition to the sale, musical performances and video screenings run throughout the day, adding to the festive atmosphere."

  • Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound- "Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound will celebrate its tenth anniversary from October 16-25, 2008. For the past ten years, Send + Receive has produced one of the few annual media arts festivals in North America focusing exclusively on sound-based work. It has become an invaluable opportunity for showcasing the innovative work of Manitoban, Canadian and international artists, offering a rare critical platform for audio and media art."

  • Jimmy Baker, Civil Dusk, Foxy Production, New York City- "Civil Dusk, Jimmy Baker's second solo exhibition at Foxy Production, introduces a new series of intense and moody oil and resin paintings. In Civil Dusk -- the period after the sun has edged below the horizon and objects are still distinguishable -- Baker uses cloaks of fog, smoke, or dust, and disorienting inversions and combinations to make the known feel uncanny. Baker explores American landscape painting's myths of expansion and freedom, and its conjuring of sentiment and the sublime. He relates its strategies to those of the contemporary media, refracting scenes gleaned from television and the Internet through the lens of Romanticism. His new paintings exhibit a dramatic high gloss sheen that is at once seductive and distancing: they act as both screens and mirrors."

  • Maker Faire Austin- Make Magazine's annual festival, Maker Faire, in Austin this weekend. Hacking, sewing, robots, fire, the gamut!