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  • The city as interactive installation- "On Thursday, October 16, at 6:15 pm Steve Dietz, artistic director of the 01SJ Biennial in San Jose, California, and executive director of Northern Lights, will discuss the burgeoning practice of interactive art in the public sphere, from urban scale installations to ephemeral interventions. He will explore how such practices can change the relationship of a city’s citizenry to its built environment."

  • Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga's Voting Cart 2008- On view this weekend at Eyebeam's Open Studios. "VOTEMOS.US an online initiative that questions how the 2008 United States Presidential Election would differ if all residents of the United States could vote, takes to the streets in the form of a voting cart by which participants may take the voice of either McCain or Obama as they make public a hypothetical vote for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections."

  • Public Apology by Maria Legault at Western Front - "Western Front Performance art is pleased to present Public Apology, a performance by the Toronto based interdisciplinary artist Maria Legault. Presented in conjunction with the F-Word, Legault will collaborate with over 20 performers to interrupt the expected flow of interactions during the exhibition's opening night. Legault's passive-aggressive performance draws on past works such as I am So Sorry (2002) and Free Sugar (2004) and is a continuation of her investigation into the nature of sociability and the public space."