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  • Harvestworks 30th Anniversary- New York non-profit Harvestworks celebrates its 30th anniversary with a benefit party on Thursday October 16th. Harvestworks' mission is to support the creation and presentation of art works achieved through the use of new and evolving technologies, and their programs have been a major resource for many artists over the years.

  • Panel Discussion: Perceptual Transformations- The Americas Society sponsors a panel discussion tonight, at 6:30PM, which looks promising. "A multidisciplinary panel will focus on theories of perception, phenomenology, and the development of spectator participation in artworks such as Carlos Cruz-Diez' Cromosaturación and Pedro Reyes' Leverage. Speakers: Nuit Banai, (Full-Time Lecturer at Tufts University/School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), Marisa Carrasco, (Chair of Psychology, New York University), Pedro Reyes, (Visual Artist), Edward Sullivan, Moderator (Dean of Humanities, New York University)

  • Creative advice on iPhone- "Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt's Oblique Strategies was created as a set of cards containing a variety of non-specific phrases and ideas intended for use by the creative mind in need of direction. They can be quite helpful in those 'stuck' moments of manufacture, and now there's a free open source iPhone application available to deliver those helpful thoughts of random advice - Oblique Strategies"