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  • Difference Tones: Cory Arcangel on the San Francisco Tape Music Center- Cory Arcangels reviews The San Francisco Tape Music Center: 1960s Counterculture and the Avant-Garde, edited by David W. Bernstein, in the October issue of ArtForum.

  • Border-Crossing: Passage Oublié- Interactive artwork Passage Oublié on Space & Culture. The piece allows "the public to send messages to a touchscreen kiosk located in Pearson's International Airport. Messages received are animated along flight trajectories on a map featuring airports involved in rendition flights. A rendition flight is a detainee-transfer practice where people, currently mostly Muslim men, are transported in rented commercial jets to interrogation sites around the world known as black sites. Although there exists a legal form of rendition to hand suspects over to another country, the procedure is also conducted outside any legal system, hence offering no protection for the detainees."

  • "Touching Gravity 2/Tilt" by Caryn Heilman- New commission by Turbulence. "Touching Gravity 2/Tilt is an interactive, aerial videodance superimposed on a composited image of two rivers in the towns of North Adams and Adams, Massachusetts. Part of the Networked Realities: (Re)Connecting the Adamses project, the two New England towns are (re)connected through a colorful, fluid, multilayered dance that incorporates the movement of the natural landscape from each town, seen through the "difference" blend mode of the Flash interface."