Announcing Berkeley DMAX Blog

As an epicenter of the digital revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area is a buzzing hive of constant activity and energy around digital culture and art made possible by technological innovation. A critical feedback forum contributes to a thriving, evolving and intellectually playful cultural community. For this reason, the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive's Digital Media Art Access and Exhibitions program (DMAX) and the UC Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) are hosting such a critical forum - in the form of the new DMAX blog - to sustain our community of thinkers.

This blog has a loose and flexible focus on: Bay Area regional / digital / art and culture. The regional focus supports a geo-physical community of familiar faces that already meets. The broad digital culture focus reflects the fact that this community spans many professional fields, creating a need for a different kind of apparatus from the traditional academic or art review.

Serving as a civic cultural forum for this broad and diverse community is a natural role for a public museum and a public university. In this spirit, this blog will not limit the public to behind-the-scenes comments, but will be open to public participation at all levels (top-level posts, comments, events) in addition to featuring bloggers drawn from the DMAX and BCNM programs. The DMAX Blog provides our community with a gathering place to let each other know what's going on, what people think, and what's next. Welcome home!