The World is Flat
Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art
26 April - 15 June 2008

Participating artists: Anonymous (RO), Heman Chong (SG), Shahram Entekhabi (IR), Kristofer Hultenberg (SE/DK), C. Krydz Ikwuemesi (NG), Lasse Lau (DK), Lize Mogel (US), Ursula Nistrup (DK), Dan Rees (UK) and Jee Young Sim (KR/US).

Overgaden is pleased to present the exhibition project "The World is Flat" curated by Johanne Løgstrup (DK).

Johanne Løgstrup has invited a number of Danish and international artists to comment on and elaborate the possibilities inherent in geographical maps as media. Both the map as a medium and the artists participating in the project seek to represent the world. Whereas maps are associated with accuracy, factuality and intentional objectivity, the artist's gaze upon the world is characterised by openness and subjective interpretation.

The artists have used the conventional measures and folding functions of the map as a general template for the artworks. In completely different and very playful and experimental ways they have made maps of places -- some of them fictitious, some of them real. The maps vary from Heman Chong's private landscape of knowledge shown by his personal list of literature to Lize Mogel's map which has zoomed in on the centre of The UN's logotype, the North Pole, to take a look at the political conflicts that have lately arisen in this area. Dan Rees contributes with a map where snails have drawn mucos routes across a world map with almost invisible silvery trails and C. Krydz Ikwuemesi's map is animated with features that contrast the right angels and concise metrical elements that usually characterise maps. Thereby "The World is Flat" gives new perceptions of the networks, associations and representations of places, people and power.