Weekend of Speakers - call for proposals

via the Pd-list comes an opportunity to play with 36 loudspeakers:

Weekend of Speakers Call

13th June to 15 June

Call for fixed media, performance and improvisation work to be diffused across 36 discrete loud speakers and explore the particular physicality of the location (St Paul's Hall).

Works are required for a variety of performance, improvisation and installations settings: floorplan and speaker placement maps are on the website (see below). While traditional tapes works are welcome, laptop performance, live diffusion, installation and instrumental works with electronics in particular are sought.

For more see online @ www.inclusiveimprov.co.uk/wofs

Were? St Paul’s Hall, University of Huddersfield, UK

When? June 13th -> June 15th

Cost? All Events Free -in fact this is all being done on favors

To submit work for consideration please email calls(AT)inclusiveimprov.co.uk by May 19th with appropriate links. And if you have a really crazy idea for this opportunity email us with your thoughts.