EcoArtTech in "Off The Grid"
EcoArtTech will be demonstrating their Environmental Risk Assessment Rover-- AT (see description below) at Purchase College, SUNY, Purchase, NY each evening at dusk on 3/27, 3/28, and 3/29, 2008.

Ecoarttech's ERAR-AT is part of the Neuberger Museum of Art's "Off the Grid" Exhibition, March 30 - June 1, 2008... -------------------------------
Environmental Risk Assessment Rover--AT, Version 1.0, 2008

"Sooner rather than later, one comes up against the law that so long as risks are not recognized scientifically, they do not exist--at least not legally, medically, technologically, or socially, and they are thus not prevented, treated or compensated for. No amount of collective moaning can change this, only science. Scientific judgment's monopoly on truth therefore forces the victims themselves to make use of all the methods and means of scientific analysis in order to succeed with their claims."
-German risk theorist Ulrich Beck

ERAR-AT is a mobile, solar- and GPS-powered, networked video installation that will accumulate and aggregate the environmental threats and risks faced by the population in its immediate location. ERAR-AT performs the difficulty of perceiving, evaluating, and understanding risk scenarios and presents an assessment of its given locale by producing a unique fourteen-tiered threat level embedded live within video projections onto local natural and architectural surfaces...

ECOARTTECH is Christine Nadir & Cary Peppermint
ERAR Programming & Research Assistant: Colin Twomey