E.P.A. (Environmental Performance Actions) at Exit Art

March 15 - May 3, 2008
Opening Saturday March 15, 7-9pm

Exit Art is pleased to announce the opening of E.P.A. Environmental Performance Actions, the first project of S.E.A, a large-scale program dealing with current environmental concerns and the way artists respond to them. E.P.A is a group exhibition surveying recent performance work from around the world that addresses current environmental crises. The exhibition will consist of videos, photographs, texts, related ephemera and a film program documenting recent performances. For this opening project we have invited curator, Amy Lipton, and founder/co-curator Patricia Watts of ecoartspace, a leading international environmental arts organization, to collaborate with Exit Art on the organization and presentation of this material. E.P.A. will include performance documentation from more than 30 international artists. These works, created in the public sphere, draw attention to and engage the public in a dialogue about issues such as climate change, watersheds, urbanization and, ultimately, human survival. E.P.A. will set the precedence for future exhibitions of S.E.A. dealing with environmental issues including The End of Oil, about the global oil crisis and alternative energy, and Consume, about food production, agricultural and sustainable living practices. An exhibition of historical social-environmental art works is also planned to place this work in context.

ARTISTS Brandon Ballengee, Vaughn Bell/Sarah Kavage/Nicole Kistler, Mark Brest van Kempen, Carissa Carman/Joanna Lake, Center for Tactical Magic, Susanne Cockrell/Ted Purves, Xavier Cortada, Carrie Dashow/Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg/The Society for a Subliminal State, Erica Fielder, Ozzie Forbes, Futurefarmers, , Fritz Haeg, Amy Howden-Chapman, Basia Irland, Scot Kaplan, Carolyn Lambert, Robin Lasser, Kathryn Miller, Matthew Moore, Eve S. Mosher, EcoArtTech: Christine Nadir/Cary Peppermint, Andrea Polli and Joe Gimore with scientific collaborator Dr. Patrick Market, Rapid Response (Cobb/Fend/Fischer/Meyer), James Reed and Social Sculpture Research Unit/Earth Agenda Projects, Tod Seelie/Miss Rockaway Armada, Austin Shull, Brooke Singer/Brian Rigney Hubbard, Anne-Katrin Spiess, Chris Sollars