Impermanent Markings Exhibition: Pratt Manhattan

"Impermanent Markings" at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery
Opening Reception Thursday, March 6 from 5-8pm.
through April 17

This exhibition seeks to define drawing and the vestiges of the artist's hand in very broad terms: where a drawing can be graceful outlines of charred earth or luminous traced gestures; where sinuous computational paths can be drawings; and where scratched lines can express the creative process itself. Mark making will be explored in various ephemeral and impermanent media such as sand, fire, earth, water, code, motion capture, performance, and video.

Guest Curator: Linda Lauro-Lazin, professor, Digital Arts, Pratt Institute

Artists: Jean-Pierre Hebert, Ana Mendieta, Oscar Munoz, The OpenEnded Group-Marc Downie, Shelley Eshkar, and Paul Kaiser, C.E.B. Reas, Carolee Schneemann, and Camille Utterback