Tourists and Travelers
Tourists and Travelers:
New commissioned works by artists Taeyoon Choi and Joseph DeLappe
June 21 - July 19, 2008
Opening reception: 6PM, June 21

Also on June 21: Eyebeam's annual Open Studios, 3-6PM
Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St. (btw 10th and 11th Aves.)

As many New Yorkers ready for the annual ritual of summer travel, Eyebeam presents Tourists and Travelers, an art exhibition resulting from Taeyoon Choi and Joseph DeLappe's 2007-08 residencies at Eyebeam. The show features an unlikely pair of projects that reflect the artists' interests in journeys across real and virtual spaces: a Second Life avatar modeled on Mahatma Gandhi and a tourist-chasing, robotic duck. Choi, from Seoul, Korea, and DeLappe, from Reno, Nevada, both traveled to New York City for their residencies as recipients of Eyebeam's inaugural Commission for Resident Artists. The Tourists and Travelers exhibition is free and open to the public, and will be on view June 21 - July 19, 2008.