Live Stage: Sound Installations at Diapason [Brooklyn, NY]


Diapason galleryd intermedia presents Micah Silver: You and Me, Going, and Patrick K.-H. ScAS (ScotchAcoustic Session):: Two sound installations :: Programmed as part of Diapason's exchange program with Moscow's Theremin Center :: JUNE 14, 21 and 28 // SATURDAYS 2-8 PM :: FREE :: OPENING RECEPTION: JUNE 14 6PM :: 882 Third Avenue (between 32nd and 33rd Street) // Brooklyn, NY :: Subways: D, N, R to 36th Street :: 718.499.5070 // :: Sponsored by The Trust for Mutual Understanding

Program Notes:
You and Me, Going is the result of an imaginary unfolding -- of a near-archaeological process through my recent work: of unearthing artifacts, brushing them off, finding new resonances with old things, and deducing/constructing narrative from emerging layers of association. My recent installations have required the capture and creation of vast libraries of audio material, much of which never found the right home. You and Me, Going is a landscape of these bits and a departure for me from working with algorithms to realize pieces that endlessly permute within stochastic bounds. For this project I wanted to refocus on the microscopic details of mixing and to discover how the more constructed basis for my recent works has been metabolised into intuitions and tastes. And so I returned to an entirely handmade approach. In one section of the piece, part of Agonism, a poem by Bethany Wright, is sung. The complete work is in the back of this program. (Micah Silver)

ScAS (ScotchAcoustic Session) was started in 2004 as series of live-acousmatic pieces based on scotch-tape sounds, recorded and edited by various types. It is a generative composition, so-called work-in-progress. The idea in the beginning was to limit sound source and to find structures for the following composition, starting from this material. In this way, it has such forms as: duo of sampler performance; sampler with dancer via MAX/MSP; and present 8-channel sound installation, which was made in Diapason Gallery in 2008, March