Streaming Museum

Streaming Museum, real-time exhibitions in cyberspace and public space on seven continents, launches on January 29, 2008. The project, initiated by Nina Colosi, will present an ongoing program of multi-media exhibitions in collaboration with international curators and cultural institutions.

Streaming Museum is conceived as a source of free cultural content and public service messaging on the environment, education and health, accessed via Internet and in high visibility public locations. The opening exhibition, "Good Morning Mr. Orwell", by pioneer video artist Nam June Paik, is a transcontinental musical extravaganza that interweaves fine art and pop culture icons. Paik's ideas in the 1970s about the "information superhighway" and global connectivity forecast the Internet.

See for information and location schedules for exhibitions of "Good Morning Mr. Orwell" and work by other contemporary visual, performing, fashion and theater artists, January 29 through April 24.
The program in Ars Virtua runs about 48 minutes and is really an amazing venture into video art as inspired by Nam June Paik. If you cannot make it to one of the physical spaces to see it, please consider visiting Ars Virtua.