Arco 2.0 Vocento: Call for Proposals
Is it true that the web 2.0 actually delivers on the grassroots, democratic potential of the web? Or does it merely transform extant ideals into more commercially viable mass platforms? The debate and discussion around the web 2.0 happening amongst internet communities, notably Trebor Scholz' Instituted for Distributed Creativity forum among many others, is active and replete with opinion and interpretation.

While web 2.0 has given way to the development of numerous platforms for the presentation and distribution of material online-- video, photo and personal information-- few meet the specific needs of artists. The Spanish initiative Vocento (in collaboration with Arco) will address this gap in their grant award for anyone--of any nationality--with the best proposal for fostering the "presence, exhibition, communication and management of art on the Internet." Selected proposal will be awarded with 15.000 euros to realize the project.

The winning proposal will be determined by an international jury including Joasia Krysa of KURATOR/UoP, UK and Santiago Ortiz, artist, and a representative from Vocento.

The deadline for the proposals is coming up very soon: Jan 31st, 2008. Apply now!