FEATURE: Selection of Recent Online and Offline Projects, January 08

Image: film still from Filter by Anders Weberg

The following are online and offline projects which have been circulating in various online communities. They are gathered here in no particular order.

P2P Art - The aesthetics of ephemerality by Anders Weberg Art made for - and only available on - the peer to peer networks. The original artwork is first shared by the artist until one other user has downloaded it. After that the artwork will be available for as long as other users share it.
The original file and all the material used to create it are deleted by the artist.


Webyarns.com by Alan Bigelow A collection of works created over the past few years consisting of digital stories for the web. These stories are created in Flash and use images, text, audio, video, and other components. They are created expressly for viewing on the web, although they can be (and have been) shown as gallery installations.