sk-interfaces [Liverpool]

sk-interfaces Conference
:: February 8-9, 2008 :: Screen 3, FACT, 88 Wood Street, Liverpool.

This hugely significant event will illustrate many of the aesthetic, philosophical, scientific and medical issues raised in the exhibition sk-interfaces, and will feature specialists of international renown from a wide range of fields and disciplines. The artists' projects that feature in the exhibition will be discussed in the context of wider debates on and around skin and its role as an interface, as well as biotechnology as an artistic medium and subject.

sk-interfaces Exhibition :: February 1 - March 30 :: Gallery 1 & 2, Media Lounge and Public Spaces, FACT, 88 Wood Street, Liverpool.

A groundbreaking exhibition on the uncertain limits between art and science, sk-interfaces explores, materially and metaphorically, the concept of skin as a technological interface. This multi-disciplinary exhibition launches FACT's Human Futures programme. Designer hymens by medical artist Julia Reodica, a coat made of blended skin cultures by legendary French artist ORLAN, Jun Takita's model brain infused with glowing moss, and biotechnological 'leather' growing in the galleries by the Tissue Culture & Art Project - are some of the projects that reflect the curatorial concept of Jens Hauser in an approach involving science, politics, philosophy and architecture.