Ruth Ron - WallFold

Ruth Ron is an architect and interactive media artist. She has done a number of interactive installations bridging telecommunications technologies and architecture, many of which are focused on dematerializing architectural structures such as transformative walls, walls that turn into windows, windows into views of remote spaces. She is currently a visiting Professor at the University of Florida, below is her recent WallFold piece, you can see many more of her projects here.

Ruth describes WallFold as a "Physical Sculpture" that tries to generate an ambiguous spatial condition. Smooth and flexible folds between inside and outside, open and close. The space thus becomes continuous and dynamic. The installation uses six pairs of servomotors connected by flexible bands to create a smooth surface. The motors alternate between two positions (0 degrees, 180 degrees), stretching the binary ON/ OFF positions into a continuous transition, a whole grayscale or gradient between 1 and 0."