Open Call: e-MobiLArt: European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists
e-MobiLArt: European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists
Call for artists and scientists

European Mobile Lab for Interactive Media Artists (e-MobiLArt) is a project tailored around the process of creating collaborative interactive installation artworks. Such interactive mediated environments may involve the use of multimodal interfaces, ubiquitous computing and mobile or locative media technologies.

The e-MobiLArt project aims to provide selected participants with an ideal context, that will allow them to travel, collaborate and exhibit their work.

During this project, artists and scientists who are active in creating interactive media art or pursuing innovative interdisciplinary research will have the opportunity to:

- create interactive installation artworks
- collaborate with other artists and scientists from different countries
- get technical support and tuition from experts on using innovative technologies for creating interactive art
- meet, discuss and collaborate with curators and museum organizers
- exhibit their work in at least two different European countries
- document their work in a special issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac and the exhibition catalogue
- participate in an international network of artists, researchers, academics and theorists