OPEN CALL: Expo Brighton

Expo is the hub and playground of the experimental music and sound art scene in the UK and beyond. Free and open, this unique platform mobilises a national network of artists and engages with communities from all backgrounds- placing sonic art and the people who make it in direct contact with the public. Expo steps out from traditional venues and into spaces that inspire artist and audience alike to reconsider their environments.

Annually relocating, Expo traverses the country and disperses into the locality it arrives in, scattering events, happenings and sounds across the towns and cities it visits, joining together place, people and art. In the spirit of open culture and accessibility Expo has developed a unique social community ethic amongst its many contributing artists and has encouraged highly creative approaches to the staging of new work.

After the success of last year's Expo Plymouth the focus now shifts to Expo Brighton for 4-6 July 2008. This weekend of performance, exhibition, presentation, discussion and broadcast will highlight the broadest possible range of approaches and thinking surrounding the sonic arts. We welcome and encourage submissions of all kinds to add to our wide ranging programme. As well as our regular annual call for submissions of all types of sound based work festival partners Radio Reverb and Sonic Arts Network are offering two commission awards for the creation of new work by UK-based artists. The deadline for submissions is the 14 March. For full details on how to submit, and commission proposal guidelines, please see: