10 More Awkward Metaphors for Sex and Death (The OTO Holiday Show)

Michael Sarff (one half of art group MTAA) will perform tomorrow at OTO in Williamsburg from 7pm-10pm. Titled "10 More Awkward Metaphors for Sex and Death," the description of the performance is a list, provided below. Some of the items here are quite funny -- I'm really curious how he plans to carry them out. (Also, if, somehow, you're in need of homebrewed black Play Doh, Sarff posted a recipe on his blog.)

1. Live Dramatic Reading (Princess Leia's Hologram Message)
2. Live Dramatic Reading (Disconnection of HAL 9000's Higher Functions)
3. Group Assemble (Home Brewed Black Play-Doh)
4. Group Assemble (Puzzle of Google Map of Puzzle Location)
5. Give Away (edition of Tyvek Jump Suits)
6. Give Away (5 Paintings of Market Collapse Charts and 5 Paintings of Birth Rates Charts)
7. Wheat Paste Posters of 6 Word Cliches (Youth Is Wasted On The Young x10)
8. Wheat Paste Posters of 6 Word Cliches (Let The Punishment Fit The Crime x10)
9. Screen (1 Hour Sunset 90 Degrees Counter Clockwise)
10. Screen (1 Hour Sunrise 90 Degrees Clockwise)