NYC - "Heavy Light" (08.23.08)
Tomorrow evening, head to Deitch Projects on Grand St for "Heavy Light" organized by artist Takeshi Murata. New videos by Yoshi Sodeoka, Ben Jones, Devin Flynn, Eric Wareheim and Tim Heidecker, Eric Fensler, Ara Peterson and Dave Fischer, Melissa Brown and Siebren Versteeg, Billy Grant and Takeshi Murata will be screened, along with animations by Adam Beckett projected on 16mm film. There will also be a live video performance by Nate Boyce and a live audio performance by Robert Beatty. This event is free.

1ypv -- q and a
MTAA conduct a Q&A session with viewers of their 1 year performance video (1ypv). This work was exhibited in Rhizome's 2005 exhibition Rhizome Artbase 101 at the New Museum.

Carrall Street by Althea Thauberger
"Althea Thauberger's one-night performance will present the street (brightly lit like a film set at nighttime) as a stage, or zone of illumination where the roles of participant and spectator blur. The interweaving of organized performers, random passers-by and audience members will allow for unforeseen interactions to take place, resulting in a destabilized form of community theatre that reveals the street's history, its current successes and stresses, as well as its future."

Walead Beshty
From i heart photograph, "photos of the abandoned iraqi embassy in the former east berlin echo the ruined tableau depicted after being damaged by airport x-rays." Post links to Beshty interview from the Whitney Biennial, definitely worth the watch.

Josh Mannis Interview
Interview with video artist Josh Mannis, from Fecal Face:
"My degree from SAIC was in Fiber and Materials Studies actually - so basically what I was doing then was making clothes that ended up in performance videos. The second one of those I ever made, which was called "Master of the Immortal Arts", necessitated some special effects, like for example doing it against a blue screen and then keying it in Final Cut Pro, and some editing, like for example cutting it up and making it into an effective loop. I began to get more and obsessed with the post production side of it, and by the time I graduated, most of the work was almost entirely made out of post production tricks, like special effects and collaging together source materials. The way I was thinking about it then was that the performance metaphor was moving from me as "star" to me as "producer / director", and more importantly it seemed like sitting in front of the computer and just going down the tunnel with it, was a more authentic analog to the experience a viewer would have sitting in front of a piece and going down the tunnel with it on that side."