Bright Idea Shade
"The Bright Idea Shade is a project of the Eyebeam OpenLab, by Sustainability Action Group members Michael Mandiberg and Steve Lambert, with Simon Jolly, Peter Duyan, and Oscar Torres. We are converting all of our silver tipped incandescent bulbs into CFL bulbs (as they burn out.) The problem is a bare CFL bulb gives off harsh light that sometimes prevents people from making the change. So we set about designing a lampshade for the bulbs. We started with the Universal Polygon Lampshade and made it fit a CFL bulb, built it out of heat resistant photo diffuser material (found a diffuser material that could be laser cut, and built a laser cutter template.)"

Looking at Music Screening Series
Excellent series of screenings presented in conjunction with MoMA's exhibition Looking at Music. Tonight, catch John Cage's Variations VII (1969) and David Tudor's Bandoneon! (1969) from 9 Evenings: Theater and Engineering as well as Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger and Flaming Creatures by Jack Smith.

Wind in new media
Network Research discuss a selection of new media art projects employing wind: Wind by Damian Stewart and Éventée by Mathieu Blasquez

Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks
From the New York Times: "Weeks before bombs started falling on Georgia, a security researcher in suburban Massachusetts was watching an attack against the country in cyberspace...As it turns out, the July attack may have been a dress rehearsal for an all-out cyberwar once the shooting started between Georgia and Russia. According to Internet technical experts, it was the first time a known cyberattack had coincided with a shooting war."