Fiat Lux: Jenny Holzer, James Turrell, Richard Long et al. / Ruzicska Salzburg
Installation footage of Fiat Lux at gallery Ruzicska in Salzburg, Austria. Exhibition features light works by Jenny Holzer, Brigitte Kowanz, François Morellet, Maurizio Nannucci, Keith Sonnier, James Turrell, and Richard Long.

Ecstatic Sunshine // Herrons by Mark Brown
New music video for Ecstatic Sunshine, directed by video artist Mark Brown. Tip: play loud!!

brian bress
Videos by artist Brian Bress on i heart photograph.

Lara Favaretto at the Sydney Biennale
From Autonomous Mutations:
"Lara Favaretto uses sculpture, photography, film and installation to create artworks that produce a sense of magical fantasy and urgency, forming an immediate bond with the viewer through a sense of play. Favaretto calls her works 'macchine del divertimento' (fun machines). They are mechanisms whose purpose is to be radically non-productive and non-functional."

Chris Coy's animated gif "EXCALIBER" from the exhibition "Graphics Interchange Format" at Bond Street Gallery. Marisa Olson recently covered the show for Rhizome.