Links 8.13.08
Photography as a Weapon
Errol Morris interviews Hany Farid, a Dartmouth professor and an expert on digital photography, and Charles Johnson, of Little Green Footballs, about photography and deception:
"As almost everyone knows by now, various major daily newspaper published, on July 10, a photograph of four Iranian missiles streaking heavenward; then Little Green Footballs (significantly, a blog and not a daily newspaper) provided evidence that the photograph had been faked. Later, many of those same papers published a Whitman's sampler of retractions and apologies. For me it raised a series of questions about images.[1] Do they provide illustration of a text or an idea of evidence of some underlying reality or both? And if they are evidence, don't we have to know that the evidence is reliable that it can be trusted?"

Artangel - Roger Hiorns
Artangel commissions a new work by artist Roger Hiorns:
"British artist Roger Hiorns makes works with detergent, disinfectant, perfume, fire and copper sulphate crystals. He uses these materials to effect surprising, physical and aesthetic transformations on found objects.
In SEIZURE - Hiorns' most ambitious large-scale work to date - he precipitates an unexpected sculptural form within the fabric of a late-modernist social housing estate near London Bridge."

Diary of the Spectacle: Zhang Yimou and Cai Guo-Qiang's Olympic opening ceremony
More coverage/discussion of the Olympic opening ceremony. From Lee Ambrozy at ArtReview.

Borders 2.0: Future, Tense
In this contribution to Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net, Bryan Finoki (of the excellent Subtopia: A Field Guide to Military Urbanism) and writer/critic Angela Mitropoulos "present an incursion, in text and image, into the contemporary borderlands."

Free screening tonight at Electronic Arts Intermix beginning at 6:30PM. Artists include: Cory Arcangel, Michael Bell-Smith, Takeshi Murata, Karthik Pandian, Radical Software Group (RSG), Matt Sheridan Smith:
"Eschewing collage, the artists in this program choose to make works by refashioning a single piece of found video or film, such as a Hollywood action movie, a '70s sitcom, or a low-resolution video clip. Though recalling Internet fan edits and exercises encountered in film school editing classes, these remixes and re-edits by artists are driven by conceptual or formal investigations. "