Kamen Stoyanov at Manifesta 7

'Disneylend Express' sign at Rovereto train station', 2008
Installing 'Disneylend Express' sign at Rovereto train station

ARC Projects roster artist Kamen Stoyanov has created new artworks for Manifesta 7, taking place in Trentino, Italy, 19 July - 2 November 2008. Stoyanov's work is showing within the context of 'ManifeSTATION' curated by The Office for Cognitive Urbanism.

Migration is a central topic for Stoyanov, whether based on economical, political or personal reasons. If one's attempts at assimilation fail, there remains nothing but a life at the margins of society, excluded and isolated amidst everyday cultural life -- something well known but still foreign. For Manifesta 7, Stoyanov addresses the topic of urban events and art biennials themselves, since they characterize entire cities as cultural territory and thus contain implicit mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. The cultural homogenization of urban spaces divides the people into those that consume these places and those that have to live in them. The Disneylend Express connects both.

Click on the image below to see a slide show of Kamen Stoyanov’s artwork for Manifesta 7.

Kamen Stoyanov, 'Disneylend Express', 2008