Berkeley Big Bang Podcasts Now Online

Berkeley Big Bang 08 was three days of new media and art, June 1-3, 2008, hosted by BAM/PFA and the Berkeley Center for New Media, timed to link with 01SJ: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge, a new media art biennial in San Jose. Occurring together for the first time, these two events combined to create one of the nation�s largest gatherings of new media art.

The Berkeley Big Bang program included a one-day symposium, Embodiment, New Media and the Body, in partnership with Berkeley Center for New Media and a second symposium, Re-Mix: From Science to Art and Back, presented with Leonardo: The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. The symposia was taped in its entirety and the podcasts, now online, include a thoughtful deconstruction of Second Life by Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus and Dreyfus in lively conversation with Second Life founder, Philip Rosedale.

To view the podcasts, see