Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin / Madrid

Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin / Madrid :: Call for Entries - Deadline: August 25, 2008.

Rencontres Internationales will take place at the Centre Pompidou, at the Jeu de Paume national museum and in other key locations in Paris in November 2008. The same program will be presented in Madrid in April 2009 and in Berlin in June 2009.

Those three events will propose an international programming focusing on film, video and multimedia, gathering works of artists and filmmakers acknowledged on the international scene along with young artists and filmmakers.

ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANISATION CAN SUBMIT ONE OR SEVERAL PROPOSALS. THE CALL FOR ENTRIES IS OPEN TO FILM, VIDEO AND MULTIMEDIA CYCLES, without any restriction of length or genre. All submissions are free, without any limitation of geographic origin.

CINEMA AND VIDEO CYCLES (all film and video formats)
* Video / Experimental video / Video art
* Fiction - short, medium and feature length
* Documentary, experimental documentary
* Experimental Film
* Animation movie

* Installation * Net art * Multimedia performance and concert