bitforms gallery: Lynn Hershman Leeson, Found Objects -- Thursday, April 24, 6:30 - 8:30PM
bitforms gallery
529 West 20th Street, 2nd Floor,

Including the premiere of the sex doll installation, "Olympia: Fictive Projections and the Myth of the Real Woman," a provocative and updated version of Edouard Manet's notorious painting,"Olympia."

San Francisco-based artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson returns to bitforms gallery in New York for a new solo exhibition, Found Objects, running April 24-May 31. With a body of work that spans over 35 years and ranges from early conceptual and performance pieces to artificial intelligence robotic works and films, Hershman Leeson is one of the most influential artists working in new media today. Updating the notion of "readymade" introduced by Marcel Duchamp, Found Objects is a new series that features assembly-line produced female sex dolls to examine contemporary issues of projected fantasies and the mythology of artificial women. With the installation, "Olympia: Fictive Projections and the Myth of the Real Woman," Hershman Leeson restages Edouard Manet's "Olympia," projecting images of the painting on a doll to offer a provocative, updated version of the notorious artwork. Also on display are several digital prints in which the dolls appear to be emotionally involved in their predestined situations.