The Salt Satyagraha Online - Gandhi's Treadmill Powered March through Second Life (project by Joseph DeLappe)

Saturday, April 5th marks the culmination of Joseph DeLappe's 22 days and 240 miles of walking on a treadmill to control his Gandhi avatar marching in Second Life to reenact Mahatma Gandhi's "Salt March to Dandi", the seminal 1930's protest against the British Salt Act of 1882. On this, the final day of walking both on the treadmill at Eyebeam, New York City, and in Second Life, the public is invited to either visit Eyebeam to witness the final steps of the march or join MGandhi Chakrabarti in Second Life to virtually walk the final miles!

The final steps of the march will occur on the Eyebeam Island in Second Life, MGandhi Chakrabarti will arrive some time after 5:00pm Eastern time:

Otherwise please join MGandhi in Second Life where he will be marching between the hours of 12noon and 6pm daily until the end of the march on April 5th. For daily start locations visit:

Coinciding with the original dates of the 1930's March, DeLappe began the reenactment to coincide with the actual dates of the original march from March 12th to April 6, 1930. The performance will be completed on Sunday, April 6th with a ritual making of the Salt at the virtual reproduction of the monument to the Salt March at Dandi on Eyebeam Island.